Hi Friends
So. I suck. I know. I don't update. Guess what? Join me in the acknowledgment of my suckage and let us move on. I had a day to myself today. Which I've managed to waste and misuse tremendously. I also have Mondays off now and in the past 2 I've accomplished NOTHING. Not one blog, not one chapter outline, not one room remodel. NOTHING. So I am an asshole and today we're moving on. I've gained weight back, I've eaten like a Carney at a hot dog stand and I'm about done.
So I'm going to make the bed, wash my face, run the errands I need to, mail some Father's Day cards and join the human race. I'm free of the bad shit. I made changes that needed to be made. There is a sad cloud hanging over my head and being as I've rid myself of much of the drama I had around a few weeks ago- I have to assume this is a prop I need to dispose of. So I'm throwing it away and I'm going to hop back on the band wagon today. Sad songs be damned. Lets get happy.