Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Revelation Revolution

Hi Dolls!  Well who's keeping track?
  • Nervous breakdowns: 3
  • Tears cried: .....there was a tsunami left in my wake for about 2 weeks
  • lbs lost: a total of 6 now :)
  • Body Fat Percent: from 32.7 to 30 in under 2 weeks! EPIC!
  • Skinny jeans BACK ON! and those bitches haven't fit over my thigh since 2 October's ago!
Things are lookin' up!

I want to thank everyone who's along for the ride.  Whether you read to escape the trials and tribulations of workin' for the man.  Or check in to make sure I haven't killed myself.  If you're reading because you know all of these breakdowns, binges and battles all too well, I wish I could wrap my arms around you and let you know what so many of my friends have let me know in the past week:  You are not alone.  You just aren't.  I know it. I know how badly this journey can hurt and I know that the worst part of it for some (like me) is not knowing where all of this terrible pain stems from.  That's one of my biggest hurdles and fears right now- trying to figure out where this comes from and yet I am terribly afraid of the work it will take to learn the truth and what I mind find out.  In the meantime...I cannot tell you what profound healing I have found in a few simple things and I thought I'd share them with you:

Forgiveness:  Last week , the day after nervous breakdown number 3, my friend Collin posted one of his many whirlwind facebook statuses. PS, Collin posts a status everyday, that without fail, you read and are forced to take a step back and take a good look at something in your life.  That particular day he'd posted a passage on resentment.  Ah resentment, my good and faithful friend.  I just adored resentment.  It clung to me like a wort and just grew and grew and was recently taking over my soul.  I was holding some pretty epic resentment toward one certain someone that was choking me. Consuming me. And keeping me locked down and this was all over someone I rarely see, rarely speak to, someone who at the end of the day, doesn't matter.  And so I re-read the passage on Collin's wall, "No resentment is justified. Today: When I discover a resentment, I'll see it for what it is and let it go".  Whoa back. NO RESENTMENT IS JUSTIFIED???!?! But what about my resentment??!?  This nutbag infiltrates my worrisome mind daily and I have made it a part-time job to hate her. Wait a minute.  "I have made it a part-time job to hate her"? I am spending days, hours, emails, precious time on someone who is inconsequential. Someone who I do not need to spend any time on. I am giving this person a part of me that I could use for positivity, love and life?  Yes, that's what I was doing.  I took some deep breaths..I did some thinking and considered that if this was a "competition"...well then clearly I had won.  I got the guy, I got the love, the life, the laughter, the happiness. I got it all. And so, no, I will no longer give up my joy to someone I hate. And for the record, I am allowed to dislike, even hate someone.  Resentment is horse of a different color...and that's not just because this person looks like a horse. What? Oh right.... that was petty. Sorry, I'm still learning.  But 8 days ago I took a deep breath in, and let out a heavy sigh.  I sent the negativity out.  I rid myself of this resentment and vowed I was better, and stronger than that.  And I am. I encourage you today, if you are letting anything or anyone keep you from even an ounce of the joy that you are entitled to just by simply existing on this planet, let it go! Take a moment to be still, find peace and release resentment.  You will free up a space in your heart and leave it open to the good. 

SERIOUSLY! TRY IT! I am someone who can rarely, if ever, find any quiet in my mind. So I've always thrown meditation some sassy side eye and tried to ignore the person who even suggested it though secretly I plot their demise.  But as Debbie and I continue our work in my health coaching sessions I realized one of the places I am seriously lacking in is the spirituality department.  So while I search for my own path of Spirituality, I decided to start with mediation, foolish though it seemed. I downloaded some Meditation Podcasts on jealousy, peace, body image etc. to my IPOD and took a moment after my morning workouts to tune in and breath. WOWZA! To find peace, even if it's just for 5 minutes a day... c'est si bon!

Mirror,Mirror: We all look at ourselves in the mirror everyday. Well, I do.  Sometimes when I'm sitting in bed talking to Mark, I look straight ahead at the mirror because it feels like we're on our own show :) Anyway.... I have made it a point to look in the mirror and though I may be tempted to point out and criticize everything I don't like- I am making it a priority to pick out at least 3 things I do.  Whether it's my hair, my eyes, the fact that today there is less muffin stop spillage over my skinny jeans than there was 3 days ago....I am saying it out loud and being nicer to myself.

Maybe one of these suggestions or all 3 can help you too...just give em' a whirl! I'm also looking forward to sharing with you some of the diet/exercise tips I'm learning in personal training and health coaching soon! Stay tuned!!

* a huge, heartfelt thanks to Miss Tricky for her talent.  She gave this poor little blog of mine a much needed makeover and now I feel like a real blogger! Thank you Mama Moonpie! What you can whip up in an hour while cooking, cleaning and feeding a baby never ceases to amaze me!*

Check out Miss Tricky at :

Whether you are a Mother, a Daughter, a Brick-Layer or a Unicorn- Miss Tricky has something for you!

Again thank you to everyone who as been loving and supporting me from both near and far!!!


1 comment:

  1. So proud of you!!! You are a delight and bring so much energy with you that it was just crazy for you to be wasting it hating.
